Sunday 26 June 2011

a Rescue to a Chase

more companions... Ian, Barbara and Vicki...

I'm slowly working through my companions... with exception of Dodo, because let's face it, what use was she? Susan should have been part of this group, but I had to cut her head off on account of it being a really, really, really ugly head... no paint job could have solved that one, so off it came and I'm halfway through replacing it...

and a shape of something to come...

watch this space, just don't hold your breath... it's going to take a while...

1 comment:

Allison M. said...

Somewhere, a Star Destroyer is missing its shield generator ;)

Nice old-old-school Doctor Who here! Funny, I would have automatically painted them the way they looked on TV - monochrome. I don't know why (though it is a neat effect). This adds a real extra dimension to them, and probably makes them look a lot better with others if you game with them!